When you only have a tight budget to work with, planning a vacation can be extremely difficult. This is especially true if you’re hoping to go on that trip of a lifetime you have always dreamt of. You would think that ‘trip of a lifetime’ and ‘budget’ are two things that really don’t go together. However, with a little planning you could save a lot of money, making your dream vacation a lot more attainable. Below you’ll discover how to plan a trip of a lifetime on a budget.
Start by doing your research
Whether you have a destination in mind or you’re still searching for the perfect location, doing your research can really help to ensure you know what kind of budget you will need. It helps to have an idea of how much everything costs. For example, you should look into the following costs:
- Accommodation
- Flights
- Eating out
- Attractions
- Travelling expenses
Take each of these and consider how to shave as much cash from each area – a small saving in each will make a big difference overall. The good news is, while the above can really add up, it is possible to save money on absolutely every aspect of your trip. And remember to leave yourself enough budget for spending money.